
On this website, you can search for schools by their main area of speciality: social interaction difficulties; learning difficulties; emotional/behaviural difficulties; or sensory of physical impairment.

Schools are also listed with the individual special needs they cater for. Here is the a guide to the abbreviations you will see on this website (the ones in bold are listed underneath schools as a guide to their specialities):

ACLD Autism, Communication and Associated Learning Difficulties

AttDD Attention Deficit Order

ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder (Hyperkinetic Disorder)

ALAN Adult Literacy and Numeracy

ASC Autistic Spectrum Conditions

ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorders

ASDAN Qualifications for 11-16 age range

ASP Asperger syndrome

AUT Autism BDA British Dyslexic Association

BESD Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties

CLD Complex Learning Difficulties

CP Cerebral Palsy DEL Delicate

DYSL Dyslexia

DYSP Dyspraxia

EBD Emotional, Behavioural and/or Social Difficulties

EPI Epilepsy

FAS Foetal Alcohol Syndrome

FXS Fragile X Syndrome

GLD General Learning Difficulties

HighA High Ability

HImp Hearing Impairment

LD Learning Difficulties

MLD Moderate Learning Difficulties

MSI Multi-sensory Impairment

OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder

PDA Pathological Demand Avoidance

PhysD Physical Difficulties

PhysImp Physical Impairment

PartH Partially Hearing

PMLD Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

PNI Physical Neurological Impairment

PWS Prader-Willi Syndrome

SCD Social and Communication Difficulties

SCLD Severe and Complex Learning Difficulties

SEBD Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties

SEMH (Social, Emotional & Mental Health Difficulties)

SLD Severe Learning Difficulties

SPLD Specific Learning Difficulties

SPLI Specific Language Impairment

SPD Sensory Processing Disorder

SpeechLD Speech and Language Difficulties

TS Tourette syndrome

VIS Visually Impaired