QAC has achieved the prestigious Leaders in Diversity Award from the National Centre for Diversity. The award recognises organisations going above and beyond in their commitment to the FREDIE values of fairness, respect, equality, diversity, inclusion and engagement. Over recent years, QAC has further improved practices and experiences which benefit all stakeholders and is fully committed to diversity, equality and inclusion.
Bev Jessop, Principal and Chief Executive, said: "We are amazingly proud to have been recognised for all of the work that we do and how far we have progressed as an organisation. The aspiration to become Leaders in Diversity has benefitted students, clients and staff and we have built on our good practices, improved further and continuously learned how we can be even better and this has made QAC and the community charity an even better place for all stakeholders."
Solat Chaudhry, Chief Executive National Centre for Diversity, said: "On behalf of the National Centre for Diversity I would like to congratulate Queen Alexandra College, their staff and stakeholders on successfully achieving the Leaders in Diversity Award following your assessment."
An external stakeholder commented: "I have worked with QAC for over 20 years and I can honestly say that the focus on equality and diversity improves year on year".
QAC is a national residential College and community charity that supports a diverse range of student abilities and needs. Based in Birmingham, the College provides education, training and routes to independent living and employment.
The College appreciated the advice from the National Centre for Diversity and the support provided by their assessor. QAC not only aspire to always uphold the underpinning principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), but aims to be recognised as champions and leaders in the field.
Never complacent, QAC continues on its journey to be the best Leader in Diversity it can be. The College will continue to improve by listening to staff, students and clients, making QAC an influential and recognised voice as a Leader in Diversity both now and in the future and look forward to working with and learning from others on their journey.
This latest achievement follows on from the College receiving the Investors in Diversity Stage 2 Award in July 2017.
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