Students enrolled on Queen Alexandra College’s Supported Internship programme, Abdullah, Charlotte and Joe, have all been offered job roles at HSBC – achieving their long-term goal of gaining paid employment!
Over the past couple of months QAC has been working on a project with HSBC, resulting in 10 students at the College having an interview for paid, full and part-time roles.
Based at the Broad Street branch in Birmingham, the three successful students will carry out a key branch-based role meeting and greeting customers. They will often be the first point of contact, answer queries, show customers how to use self-service equipment and direct them to a suitable colleague if they have a more complex enquiry.
Abdullah commented: “I never thought I’d be able to work as I have two impairments. Thank you to everyone at QAC for making my dream come true!”
Charlotte said: “I feel really happy as I never thought that I'd ever get a job. Being on the Supported Internship programme has allowed me to gain the skills I needed to do well in an interview and get a job – I can't wait to start working at HSBC.”
Joe added: “All the staff at HSBC were very welcoming and friendly. I was greeted with big smiles by the people who interviewed us and they were understanding of our disabilities. I am really happy they have offered me a part-time job.”
On completion of their study programmes at QAC's main campus in Harborne, Abdullah, Charlotte and Joe progressed onto the College's Supported Internship programme to develop the skills they needed to navigate the world of work. Delivered at the College's Pinewood Campus, the programme is designed to help prepare students for voluntary or paid employment and support is tailored to meet individual needs whilst providing valuable experience with an employer.
All three students have enjoyed successful work placements whilst on the programme, supported by knowledgeable QAC Job Coaches. The College's Employment Pathways Team helped to prepare them for their interviews by updating CVs, identifying how to answer potential interview questions and joining a Zoom call with HSBC – this enabled the students to know who would be meeting with them and what the building looked like in advance of interviews.
Joleen Croarkin, HSBC Project Manager, commented: “I consider myself so privileged to have been given the opportunity to lead this project. I came to this with no prior knowledge or experience of working with people with disabilities and feel so lucky to have been able to have an influence that has changed people’s lives by providing them with employment. I look forward to welcoming Abdullah, Charlotte and Joe on their first day in their new jobs!”
QAC is a specialist, national residential College and charity based in Harborne, Birmingham that offers an innovative, holistic approach to learning and support for a range of abilities and needs. The College offers a range of courses and opportunities designed to maximise life chances, develop independence and work skills.
Located in nearby Woodgate Valley, the College's Pinewood Campus offers a high quality and exciting stepping stone into the world of work and is more business-like than educational in its feel. Pinewood is where specific QAC Employment Pathways programmes such as Supported Internships are delivered.
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