Are you looking for a special needs school in the North-West, or trying to find out more information about special schools in the region?
Search here for independent special needs schools in Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, the Isle of Man, Lancashire and Merseyside. Find and compare schools nearest to you and those with particular specialisms.
You will find all special schools in the North-West listed at the bottom of this page, with abbreviations denoting the conditions each school caters for (check our glossary for definitions).
Click on a school's name for information about that school. Schools at the top of the listings in highlighted panels feature full profile information including social media, website and email links and optional video.
You can narrow down your search by using the search boxes below to select schools by age, gender, those that offer residential facilities, and those that have a speciality in:
a) social interaction difficulties (including autism and Asperger syndrome)
b) emotional, behavioural and/or social difficulties
c) learning difficulties (including dyslexia/SPLD)
d) sensory or physical impairment
Our postcode search facility allows you to find and compare schools nearest to you by searching a radius of two to 100 miles.
You can gain further advice from a selection of articles on this website about choosing a special needs school.